
Showing posts from July, 2012

What is the best compliment you have ever received?

The parking lot sign that made me happy

How To Avoid Jet Lag After 2-Hour Flight: Tips from my MIL (and..."Finding the Funny"!)

The long squishy walk

My day at a Top Chef's house (plus, *two* giveaways)

The Shrimp Remembers When (and "Finding the Funny"!)

Top 9 Reasons Atari Is Better Than Your Kid's Game System

What kind of person are YOU in a rainy parking lot?

Can you still sell parents at garage sales? (And a giveaway of some super cute stuff that I didn't make because I'm not talented at all)

Where I Blog/Tweet/Spy on the Neighbors (and "Finding the Funny" #25)

The Top 3 Things I Hated About Camping That Had Nothing To Do With Tents, Dirt or Mosquitoes

Embarrassing Stories That Will Make You Laugh Out Loud. Promise.

What My Husband Spends His Money On During the Course of a Year (and "Finding the Funny" #24!)