Top 9 Ways I Know My Man Loves His iPhone & iPad More Than Me

#1 He talks to them more.

#2 He takes them to all the good restaurants he frequents during the week.

#3 He sleeps with them extra close.

#4 He cares where they are at all times, even when he first wakes up.

#5 He is always buying them the latest things.

#6 He laughs at all their jokes.

#7 He is always buying them new clothes (Otter Boxes).

#8 He is always tending to their needs. ("Are you only at 4%? You poor precious!")

#9 He would save them first if we were both hanging off a cliff. Pretty sure on that one.

(I'm pretty tight with my iPhone, though. I have to admit.)

I'm giving away a $50 Target gift card this week! I will announce the winner on Friday. If you are interested, check out the post here: My 3 Favorite (Healthy) Recipes That My Kids Will Eat, A Target Giveaway and My Fitness Update. (You can enter by leaving a comment on that post or on my Facebook page.)