Fail-Proof Way To Know When Your Kid Is Lying

Finding the Funny is going on RIGHT NOW. That post went up very early this morning. If you are a blogger and have written something funny lately (or in the past), we want to read it! Go HERE to link it up and see our special announcement for next week. Thanks!

In general, I don't share many personal details about my family on this blog. It's just not what I really do here. Today, though, I am making an exception.

I'm sharing a video with you.

This is a big step for me because, well, you get to hear my voice. I sound REALLY Texan in this one. While you won't actually see me, you will see my two boys. This video was taken four years ago, so they look different now, of course.

You will also get to see my messy house. Please do your best to ignore the pile of clothes you see on the floor? We actually don't live in this house anymore. We moved out this summer. Lots and lots and lots of diapers were changed there.

You will also get to see my kid getting caught chocolate-handed.


It was Christmas 2008 and I had the bright idea to have my then 4-year-old help me make a "birthday cake for Jesus". Someone I knew did the same thing and it sounded like a good idea. Surely this activity would help him remember "the reason for the season"? Maybe it would help him focus on others and not just the Toys 'R Us catalog?

I laugh out loud every time I watch this 40-second video, so I thought it was the giving, Christmas-y thing to do to pass the laugh on to you...

So, if your kid says he has not eaten any of the cake batter but his face is covered in it, then you know he's lying. That's my fail-proof way.

I guess that would only apply in this one situation, huh?

Man, I'm sorry.

Dang it.

Wouldn't it be great if there was always such obvious evidence paired with blatant lies all the time? We would never be fooled by anyone ever again! Especially our kids!

Are there ways you can tell your kid is lying?

Since I shared so much about my boys (and my messy house, too!), I will keep it going.
I have TWO posts over at NickMom today. It would be so awesome of you to click over and check them out. Big high fives to anyone who shares it on Facebook, Twitter or Pinterest!

Thanks, awesome people!