Mr. Clean & I are getting engaged today!!

If there is one thing I'm obsessed with, it's your smile.  Also, your jokes.  Your funny, funny jokes.  And really everything about you.  After that?

Mr. Clean.

I love the man and I love his Magic Erasers.  Because of this obsession, I'm over at This Blogger Makes Fun of Stuff asking him to marry me right now.  Think of that blog post like a jumbotron at a baseball game.  There is me on the left side of the screen on one knee and to my left is this man:

The love of my life, Mr. Clean.
So, please, join us in this happy moment in our lives as we go forward as husband & wife (fingers crossed!) by clicking HERE.  Also?  Keep the whole engagement on the down low.  My current husband would be crushed.  Maybe.